Dropship API Integration Guide for Retailers and Suppliers

Transparency & Other Guides

This is a combined retailer/supplier guide intentionally so both parties transparently understand each other's integration requirements and responsibilities as success in e-commerce transactions is a two-party dance.


This guide describes nuances specific to a Dropship API Integration for Rithum's Dsco platform. The vast majority of an API integration effort is the same between a dropship and marketplace integration and is documented in the Dsco Standard API Integration Guide.

Be sure you have read and understand the Dsco Standard API Integration Guide before continuing here.

Order-In Workflow - Retailer Responsibility

The order-in workflow, meaning the integration and the data that is shared, is identical between the dropship and marketplace models except for the following with respect to dropship...


Retailers must set the order.orderType attribute to Dropship for dropship orders when sending in to Dsco. If not provided, the retailer's account may be configured so that all orders are dropship orders by default.

Invoice Workflow - Supplier Responsibility

Not all retailers using the dropship model make use of the Dsco Invoice Workflow, but most do. In the dropship model, suppliers provide invoices that use the cost of an item to determine the money owed to the supplier based on the order line item units shipped and the item cost.

Catalog Workflow - Supplier Responsibility

A retailer may elect to use the Advanced Catalog product to define its catalog category taxonomy and associated required attributes in the dropship model exactly the same as in the marketplace model, in which case suppliers will be asked to provide catalog data to conform to the retailer's content rules.

Item Attributes Necessary for Dropship - Supplier Responsibility


Suppliers must specify item.cost as part of their item catalog data for the dropship model to work. The cost is what a supplier charges a retailer for the item.


A supplier must indicate that an item is allowed to be used in the dropship model in order to be used in a dropship order by setting item.retailModelRules.allowedModels to include dropship. Note that a supplier may default all of their items to be allowed for use in the dropship model and thus not have to set this on every item.